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project manager, creativity, events, singer


The passion for music was born around the age of 15/16, after an injury that forced me not to play sports. The first guitar was a flaming red Epiphone devil. Then the passion for singing and to follow, bass, keyboards, wind instruments and ethnic. The biggest problem I've had with music has always been curiosity itself. At a certain point in my life I gave myself to holistic music and the study of harmonic singing and music therapy techniques.

Founder and singer and composer of the musical-literary project Collettivo Ginsberg: I refuse to give up my obsession (2008, Il Vaso di Pandora Records), Pregnancy (2009, Il Vaso di Pandora Records), De la crudel (2012, Seamount Productions) , Asa Nisi Masa (2013, Seamount Productions), Tropico (2016, L'Amor Mio Non Muore - Dischi / Irma Records), Kintsugi (2021, Ribéss Records). In 2014, the CG was hired to play at the Italian presentation of John Densmore's book "The Jim Morrison Legacy", on April 24 at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, arranging and interpreting in Italian an unpublished version of The Celebration of the Lizard.

I have been collaborating with AMNM since 2015. Since 2017 I am Event Area Manager and Set Up, Logistics and Organization Manager for RM Servizi, project manager for Entroterre Festival.


L'Amor Mio Non Muore - Sala d'Incisione, Dischi Strada Vicinale Piola-Fusa-Rocca delle Caminate 5 47016 Predappio (FC), Italy
+39 320 0217242 -

© 2023 by L'Amor Mio Non Muore - Sala d'Incisione, Dischi

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