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sound engineer, editing / mastering, Waveroof Sudio

Class '82 and active as a professional since 2007. He obtained the diploma of "Sound and Recording Technician" at the High School of Music Perfection of Saluzzo in 2006 and subsequently worked in important recording studios in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. as a freelance. His main activity is in the recording studio although he has occasionally served as a sound engineer for live events. Since he was a child he has always been attracted to music and in particular to the manipulation of sound ... he studied drums and was also a piano student at the CosaScuola Music Academy in Forlì. During his career he has had the honor of working with nationally and internationally renowned musicians and producers.


musicista, produttore, tecnico del suono

Born in 1972. Musician, producer, arranger, sound manipulator, all-round creative. Born a pianist but immediately turned to synthesizers at a very young age. He trained at the Centro Musicale di Forlì both as a musician and as a sound engineer with a course for sound technician held by Roberto “Bob” Zoli. With his first band (Arianera) he worked with Contempo Record and began his career in the recording studio at Blue Velvet in Florence. In the 90s he worked with Massimo Carpani on various productions with major labels, worked at Radio Sabbia as the head of the production studio and in 2002 he founded “Cosabeat” with a group of musician and actor friends. A point of reference and meeting point, Cosabeat gave him the opportunity to work with many artists and musicians. Over the years he made hundreds of records as a sound engineer, arranger and artistic producer. Among the names he has collaborated with are: Santo Barbaro, Giacomo Toni, Sacri Cuori, Hugo Race (ex Bad Seeds), Giuseppe “Houdini” Righini, Moro & the Silent revolution, Antonio Gramentieri, Montefiori Cocktail, Raein, La Quiete, Neil on impression, Contrasto, Vince Vallicelli, Capvuto, Equ, Alessandro Cortini, Jono Manson, John De Leo, Luisa Cottifogli, Terry Lee Hale, Howie Gelb, King Lion & the Braves, Unoauno, TIR and many many others. As an artist he has produced 3 albums under the name Francobeat: Vedobeat (Snowdonia/Audioglobe, 2006), “Mondo fantastico” (Trovarobato/Artebambini, 2011) and “Radici” (Brutture Moderne/Audioglobe, 2014). In 2019 he becomes just “Naddei” and “Mostri” (self-produced/Distrokid) is released, and in 2020 “L’asciugapensieri” (digital only), a collective work with numerous guests including Stefano Benni, Elena Bucci, Marco Sgrosso, Vincenzo Vasi and many others. Since 1996 he has collaborated with Lombardi Amplificazioni as a sound engineer and consultant. In the theater he has worked with Accademia Perduta, Le belle Bandiere, Città di Ebla, John De Leo and XYquartet. In 2019 he was welcomed into the “L’amor mio non muore” family where he continues to work on third-party and own productions.

L'Amor Mio Non Muore - Sala d'Incisione, Dischi Strada Vicinale Piola-Fusa-Rocca delle Caminate 5 47016 Predappio (FC), Italy
+39 320 0217242 -

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